what we do & join us
We'll offer a friendly helping-hand in grammar, clarity and forming your piece, and a judgement-free zone to get that idea onto paper...and out into the world.
We'll hold a safe space, leading participants through the writing process. At the end, participants can choose to submit their writing to be published in HIMC.
Schedule a booth for your group or join us at one we already have scheduled.
ride with friends and participate in advocacy to make our community safer for everyone. this is also a great opportunity for people who want to start riding solo but feel a little rusty.
We'll ride for about an hour around the city. by participating, all people on bikes agree to follow the law, be respectful & have fun. adults only. clean & sober event.
next up
Slow Roll Group Ride
Saturday June 1
5:45 gather & instructions/roll out 6pm
Leave from & return to outside SOIL, 211 N 6th St.
Pop Up Shop - TBA
Pop Up Writing Booth
Penn Street Market, Coming Soon
Northwest Branch, Reading Public Library, Coming Soon